Sunday, January 19, 2014

Prolife Quotes

Some things to consider as we pray and make sacrifices for an end to abortion.

"It is horrific that some children never see the light of day because of abortion" 
-Pope Francis

"Life is beautiful and life is from God! This is the most basic message we proclaim.......
.... to build a society that promotes the dignity of every human life no matter how weak... If the child in the womb has no right to live, then no one does. If the child in the womb has no human dignity, then no one does.
" -Archbishop Jose Gomez

"I have noticed that everyone that is for abortion is already alive." 
-President Ronald Reagan

"The whole of society must defend the right to life of the child conceived and the true good of the woman who will never, in any circumstance, be able to find fulfillment in the decision of abortion." - Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

"If we want greatness for our nation, we will work together to end the unspeakable shame of abortion. We will speak from our hearts for those who cannot speak at all."
-Bishop James Conley

"A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope".
- Blessed Pope John Paul II
“....There are two victims in every abortion, a dead baby and a dead conscience.....We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, of killings, of wars, of hatred,” Mother Teresa said. “If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other?”
-Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta

"...January 22 is the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn Baby. Is anyone more vulnerable, more fragile, more in need of love, care, and protection than the unborn baby in her mother’s womb?" -Cardinal Timothy Dolan 

"In its heart, America knew that racial segregation was wrong. In its heart, America knows that human life begins before birth." -F. LaGard Smith

"What irony that a society confronted with plastic bags filled with remains of aborted babies would be more concerned about the problem of recycling the bags.
- Winifred Egan

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