Vatican II

Founder of Vatican II Council
To Whom This Page is Dedicated 

The Church is born from the supreme act of love on the Cross, from Jesus’ open side. The Church is a family where we love and are loved.
-Pope Francis

Vatican II -Understand it!:

SOME THINGS I LEARNED This Year About Vatican II

The 21 Ecumenical Councils (Not in Order)

  Nicene II
  Constantinople I
  Constantinople II
 Constantinople III
  Constantinople IV
  Lateran I
  Lateran II
  Lateran III
  Lateran IV
  Lateran V
  Lyon I
  Lyon II
  Vatican I
  Vatican II 



The 4 Church Reforms

      The Carolingian Reform (700's-early 800's AD): 

A) Charles the Great loved sacred music and made it flourish.  He used his authority to bring the church's wishes to fruition.  He wanted all monks to go to the Benedictine Rule, and that all priests receive regularized education. 

B)  Alcuin   (ST.) Alcuin is more of a traditional saint with no set canonization or church feast day.  He wrote dogmatic treaties and was made Abbot of St. Martin of Tours in 796.  He was a tutor to Charlemagne's court. 

       The Gregorian Reform (late 1000's AD):


      The Trent Reform (mid 1500's AD):   

Was the greatest reform.  It reformed the papacy, clerical life, religious, laity, defined the 7 Sacraments, Defined Grace and Justification etc. 

        The Vatican II Reform (1962-1965 AD)

It most importantly reformed Liturgy, Clerical and religious life. 
The reform for the modern world?

Purpose of Vatican II (According to itself)

To Modernize- Know what others are thinking
To Ecumenism (UNITY)- To bring unity among Christians
To Evangelize- Spread the Gospel To Revitalize- Make new the life of the church and increase its vigor

"Open up the windows of the Church" -Blessed Pope John XXIII About Vatican II

Vatican II in General
I. When?

October 11, 1962 Vatican II started 
November 24, 1965, Vatican II ended
4 sessions of meetings 
In 1959 Pope John XXIII announced that there would be an ecumenical council 
There was 3 years of preparation, compared to 10 years of preparation for Trent 

II. Where?

   In a place 1 spuare mile in area, the City-State of the Vatican City. 
     St. Peter's Basilica more specifically
    The Basilica It was built over the burial place of St. Peter
     It was originally called the Basilica of Constantinople

III. Who?

             Pope John XXII started it, but then passed away
             Pope Paul VI completed the council
            All active (and able) of the world's Cardinals, Bishops, Patriarchs, and others designated    by the Pope such as:  some priests, deacons, brothers, and theologians, and leaders of other world religions
       Two famous attendees were Fr. Joseph Ratzinger of Germany and Cardinal Karol Woytija of Poland, the later Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II.






                             A.  about mainly the Church
               B.  Literally: 16 Documents: 4 constitutions, 9 decrees, and 3 declarations

Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosantorum Concilium and others)

About Liturgy in General

   Entomology: From the Greek:  Leitos= public + Orgia=work ->   leitorgia= public work    
   Definition: Western: Official public Worship of the Church Eastern: The Mass (Divine Liturgy)
                Kinds:  Some examples: Mass, Sacraments, Liturgy of the Hours, RCIA (during Mass), rite of profession,    Christian funerals, blessings, exposition, Benediction, major exorcisms
              NOT:  Indulgences, the Rosary, Way of the Cross, Novenas 
              Liturgical Movement:   Grown over the past 200 years
               What does it make up?     34 weeks of Ordinary Time (Green), 50 days of the Easter season (White)  , 40 days of Lent not including the Sundays (Violet/Rose 4th Sun), Advent (Violet, Rose 3rd Sun),
            Liturgical Feasts:     
Easter (Greatest)
Every Sunday is a commemoration of Easter
Holy Days of Obligation
Marian Feasts
Saint's Feasts
The Life of Christ and the celebration of him:  Annunciation, Christmas, Presentation, Baptism, Passion, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, Christ the King,  Feasts of Corpus Christi, Holy Trinity, Sacred Heart, Holy Name of Jesus

Why Have the Liturgy?

 For the Glory of GodSalvation of Mankind
 To gain Grace
To become more Christ-like
To be a sign to the world

After Vatican II- Books to be revised:

All Sacraments
Christian Funerals

The Liturgy and the Eucharist/MASS

 The Eucharist is the source, summit and center of Christian life
 The Eucharist is the center of the whole sacred liturgy
 There are 10 Eucharistic Prayers currently: 4 regular, 2 of reconciliation, 4 for various need

Women's Role in the Liturgy

 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
 They can sing, lead choir
 Altar Serve (Males are more traditional)
 Say the prayer of the faithful



You Cannot go to Communion if you are in Mortal Sin

Strongly Recommended: a sign of reverence

 Reserve Holy Communion for viaticum

Gregorian Chant/Chant

    Gregorian Chant is to have pride of place as music in Liturgical ceremonies
                   We should all know some Gregorian Chant, such ah minimally the Kyrie, Gloria, Creed, Sanctus, and  Agnus Dei

  You must go to receive your first Confession BEFORE your 1st Holy
    Frequent Confession is of GREAT value

Social Communications(Communio et Progressio and others)
   Pope Pius XII said: 'The media is a gift of God, in his 1957 Encyclical, Miranda Prorsus
   The Eucharist is the most perfect form of communication between God and Man, possible in this life

Communication in a Christian View

  Communication in its greatest form is the giving of Love
   The mutual love between the Father and the Son is the Holy Spirit
  God and Man walked together in the beginning, it was easy to know HIM
  Eve started to communicate with the devil, this broke down easy communication with God 
   Man alone, cannot reconcile with the Lord 
  God keeps communicating with men through the prophets in the OT
   God sends his Son as the perfect communicator 
   Christ's greatest communication was on Holy Thursday/Good Friday 
  He sends HIS Spirit to us.  Gives us the sacraments to communicate with Him. 
  The Church is sent to communicate
   By nature the church is "That which communicates"  We must participate in Christ's Message found in Mt 28 
  The Holy Trinity are the source of communications

  Media= That which is in the middle. 
   It is the middle: Communicator-MEDIA-Receiver
  Purpose: To educate and to give information- Purpose of communication is for unity of mind, hearts and action among men. 
   Christian Communication: to bring Salvation, be one with the Trinity, to be a united church, and for evangelizing

The Church (Lumen Gentium)
   Some examples of the Church:
The church is a sheepfold, the gateway to Christ
The church is a flock, God is its shepherd
The church is  a cultivated field, the tillage of God
The church is a building, Christ called Himself the cornerstone
The church is our mother
   Israel was already the Church of God
      God Created the Church, the Son instituted the Church, the Spirit Sanctified the church
      Some description of the Church:

     Mary is a perfect model for a member of the church.  she is a mediatrix, member, model, and virgin

The Deaconate
        Before Vatican II, there were seven orders (4 minor, 3 major): Porter, Exorcist, Lector, Acolyte, Sub-deacon, deacon, priest
  You were seen to be a cleric when you were tonsured

  After Vatican II, you entered the clerical state once ordained a deacon

  Now the orders are deacon, priest, bishop

  A priest had the power to ordain, but not the permission

  St. Francis of Assisi was a transitional deacon

  There are two types of deacons,  Permanent and Transitional 

Eastern Catholic Churches
  There are nine rites in the East.  We belong to the Western, or Latin, Roman Rite.  They are:

  All there Rites are in full communion with the Holy Father and the Church.  

  The main differences between the Western and Eastern Catholic Churches are in tradition and liturgy. 

  The eastern Catholic Churches are good to help bring in Orthodox into the Catholic Church, because the traditions are very similar. 

  The rite you are born into, you should stay in it.  

Fr. Francis Semester II Test: VATICAN II

This semester I learned:
Etymology: Greek Origin OUY-KO-MEN, which means management, household, the inhabited world .
Definition: The promoting and restoring of Christian Unity 

Christians are:  Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants. 

Two major splits in the Catholic Faith:
A.      1054- the Great Schism- the Orthodox in East, Catholic in West
B.      1517- Protestant Revolution 

Historical trends of Ecumenism:
1.      Split -1517
2.      War-1517-1650
3.      Prejudice and Ignoring the other- 1650-1890
4.      Dialogue- 1890-Now

·         PRAYER
·         ACTION
·         DIALOGUE
·         EDUCATION
·         SHARING
·         STRUCTURE
Brief History of Ecumenism:
·         1890- Mr.  Watson an Anglican, who promotes Christian unity, founds the Society of the Atonement  converted to Catholicism, ordain a priest,  Dedicated life to Ecumenical Work
·         1920's- Cardinal Mercier of Belgium supports dialogue with Anglicans.
·         1927- On account of spreading indifferentism in the Catholic Church, Pope Pius XI says Catholic can't participate in ecumenism 
·         1960- Bl. Pope John XXIII said encourage Christian Unity, and officially invited Catholic to ecumenism. 
·         1964- Vatican II issues a document on Ecumenism 
·         Pope Paul VI speaks for the first time since 1054 with the Patriarch of the Greek Ortodox Church, Athenegoros II   
·         2011- Pope Benedict XVI eases means of Anglican union with Rome

What Ecumenism is NOT

·         It is not EXTREMISM like the SSPX
·         It is not Indifferent liberalism

1.      To Stop Division
2.      To Promote Unity
3.      For the Glory of God
4.      To Save Souls

 Anything that is "ecumenical" in the sense it restores unity between different religions in called, Inter-Confessional Unity (ex. Catholic and Muslim.) 


Etymology: Religio- Latin to bind
Definition: To bind oneself more perfectly to Christ
The 3 Evangelical Counsels:
·         Poverty
·         Chastity
·         Obedience
Principals of Religious Life:
·         Following Christ
·         That the founder's spirit be retained
·         To share in the life of the Church
·         To know mankind and to have Apostolic Zeal
·         To participate in Spiritual Renewal
Eremeitic- Alone
Cendretic- Community
A Charism is a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit
·         Candidate
·         Postulant
·         Novitiate
·         Simple Vows
·         Solemn Vows
·         Deacon
·         Priest

"Religious life is a call from the Father, a choice from the Son, and a gift of the Holy Spirit."   


Ecclesia Santae
Nomination of Bishops: The National Conference of Bishop cam lay down names of candidates among ecclesiastical person in writing.  Those names are then sent to the Vatican, and ultimately will be chosen to the Holy  Father.   
Resignations:  By the bishop's 75th birthday, he must write a letter to the Holy See declaring his resignation. 
Auxiliary Bishops:  Are for the Good of the Flock, the achievement of unity, and they must be in cooperation with their diocesan bishop.
Episcopal Vicars:  Help the Bishops exercise the pastoral care of the diocese, without being ordained to the episcopacy.  
Duties of the Bishop:

·         To Teach
·         To Sanctify
·          To Govern
CCC 888: The Bishop first job is to Teach. 
The Bishop is the local ordinary of a diocese
·         Local Diocese:  Bishop
·         Religious Ordinary: Abbot
·         Floating Diocese such as the and the Personal Ordinate of the Chair of St. Peter, whose ordinary is a Monsignor
Jesus is the greatest invisible bishop
Pope Francis is currently the greatest visible bishop
Priest and Bishop help sanctify the Church by:
·         Praying and Working
·         Preaching
·         Celebrating the Sacraments
·          Good Example

Traditionally, a council and synod meant the same thing.  Now there is a distinction.
Synod: More on Advisory   
Synod of Bishops- advise the Holy Father
Diocesan Synod: Priests and laity the advise the bishop

Councils: More on Putting out decrees
Ecumenical Councils
Plenary Councils- National bishops meet
Archdiocesan Councils


Optatam Totius &  Presbyterorum Odrinis
(Life of Priests & the Decree of the Training of Priests)

In Brief:
Catholic Homes= the FIRST Seminary
·         Parishes= Young men should take an active part in its life
·         Teachers= Should tell young men to look for their divine vocation and follow it willingly
·         Priests= Should show their apostolic zeal by fostering vocations
·         Bishops= should encourage the flock to foster vocations
·         Priests lead us to the Unity of Charity
·         Priests are not to forget their fellow Christian
·         Priests are to regard in thier flock all non-believers

In the Sacraments:
·         Priests though Baptism: Introduce men into the People of God
·         Priests though Confession: Reconcile sinners with God and the Church
·         Priests though the Anointing of the Sick: Relive the Ill
·         Priests though the Mass: Offer Christ's sacrifice sacramentally and feed the flock 
·         Priests in all sacraments are united with their bishop

The Eucharist:
·         The Eucharist is the Whole Spiritual Good of the Church- it is the summit of the Gospel, catechumens are led to it, and baptism and confession prepare souls to receive it .


Etymology: Education- being "lead out".  More specifically being lead out of darkness to light
-Evangelization is the beginning of Catecheses
The Principle of Subsidiary:
"A community of higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of lower order, depriving the latter of its functions, but rather should support direction to the common good."

Dei Verbum

One of the Four Major Documents of Vatican II
A. Revelation a Latin word which mean to unveil
B. In Greek- Apocolypotos, which mean to uncover or make known

·         Sacred Scripture AND Tradition make up the Infallible Word of God-  NOT One or the Other! 
·         We must have reverence for God's Word, LOVE, AWE, FEELING, ACTING, AND THINKING THE SACRED
·         The Magisterium is the teaching authority of the Church
·         Bishops make up the Magisterium- They teach the Word of God
·         Bishops proclaim, preach, preserve, protect and interpret it.  They serve the Word . 
·         All Scripture is inspired!  The Holy Spirit is the MAIN Author
·         The Human Writers are the HUMAN Authors
·         Public Revelation Ended when the last Apostle Died

"Divine Revelation is God revealing Himslef, His plan, His Will, Our Salvation and Ourselves"
Public Revelation, meaning we known everything necessary to be save, has been revealed. 
Private Revelation, such as the Messeages of Our Lady of Guadelupe, Fatima, the Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy, continue to go on in the life of the Church.  Though not declared dogmatic, many private revelations are approved by the Church.

The Magisterium= speaks through:
Extraordinary Means:  Papal Infallibility and Ecumenical Councils
Ordinary Means: The Pope in everyday teaching (Homilies, Anglues, Audiences etc.) and bishops united with the Pope.      

Revelation does not change, our understanding of it does!

"Difference in ministry, oneness in mission"
The Laity Definition= 2 Definitions-
Negative= Not a Cleric or Religious
Positive= People part of the Church, that engage in secular activities

Evangelization is the main job of the Laity!

Images of the Laity

In Matthew 20  the Parable of the Vineyard:
·         The Church= the Kingdom of God
·         Landowner= God
·         The Worker= the lay, religious, clerics, all Christians! 
·         The Vineyard= the World
·         The promised reward= heaven/eternal life/ holiness
·         "He Sent Them" = Our Vocation, and sending
·         The Hours= Different ages!
·         Morning= Children are called to serve
·         Mid Morning=  Youth are called to serve
·         Mid Day= Adults are called to serve
·         Afternoon= Middle Aged are called to serve
·         Evening= the Old are called to serve
·         The Idle= The ignorant or the disobedient to God's Will


Religious Liberty is acting and participating freely in your own religious convictions in the light of the common good, without being stopped otherwise by an opposite force.  This right was given by God to each human and though civil authority has the right and the duty to protect it, it does not have the power to destroy or dictate it.  In the light of this, one must remember that true freed is doing good and just things in God's sight, and refraining from slavery to sin. 

-Give the example of human sacrifice religions-

Definition of the Common Good= Conditions in society that will lead us to our perfection.

Points on Freedom and Religious Liberty:
·         Jesus respected all lawful human authority
·         Governments should not repress, but support bishops
·         All men have the right to religious freedom
·         Freedom of Worship= Freedom to worship in a particular place
·         Religious Freedom= Is the freedom to behave in public what we believe and freedom of worship
·         True Freedom is choosing what is morally right and obeying to God's Will
·         Jesus was Free on the Cross, because He was doing the Will of His Father that all would be saved
·         It is within our nature to know religious truth.  We have the right and duty to known and follow it.  This right must be respected by civil authority. 
·         In religious freedom, the Catholic Church should have a prominent place
·         We have the duty to follow and form our conscience

Freedom in general is:
·         It is a right, but more than that
·         It is the power to know truth
·         It is the power to choose the truth, which is good
·         It is the power to choose the good
·         It is the power to Do the good and right thing
·         Eventually, the ”Right and good thing" must become habitual
·         And acted on with Charity, eventually leading up to the highest form of charity 

There are two freedoms- Divine and Natural and there are two extremes: I can't/I won't

Ad Gentes Divinitas
Etymology:   EVAN-GELIOS- Greek= To announce the Good News! 

We must give a Christian witness!

"All Christians by the example of their lives and witness to the world, must manifest the 'new man' put on at baptism, and that was strengthened by Confirmation, so that others may see the good they do and give glory to God, perceive life's meaning and the solidarity of men."

In Brief:
·         We must preach the Gospel, assembling the people of God
·         The Church strictly forbids that anyone should be forced into the Church
·         Missionaries should raise communities of faithful, so that they may carry out their 3-fold offices of Priest, prophet, and king. 

Some reason why to evangelize:
·         Glory of God
·         Salvation of Souls (Ours and others)
·         Christian Unity
·         Make the world better
·         Do God's Will
·         To expand the People of God
·         To imitate Christ
·         It is the nature of the Church
·         Jesus said/did so
·         For love of God

Why People Don't Evangelize:
·         Lazy
·         Ignorance
·         Afraid
·         Unwilling
·         Hard
·         Persecutions
·         Sin

·         Knowing and education
·         Know the people to evangelize
·         Be Christ-like
·         Practice the virtues
·         Dialogue
·         Give true Christian witness

False Evangelization:
·         Hypocritically
·         False doctrine
·         Forcing the Faith
·         Having a false religion
·         Evangelizing for power or gain in the world
·         Do not practice the virtues
·         Evangelizing without a church 

Gaudium et Spes
The Purpose of Gaudium Et Spes is to show modern man that Jesus is the way, and that the Church is the light to the modern world, reflecting Christ's. 

The only one of the four major documents that is not dogmatic

Problems at the time of Vatican II the Lack and or over surplus of:
·         Wealth
·         Unity
·         Freedom
·         Fellowship
·         Depth
·         Evangelization
·         Morality
·         Contact with the Past
·         The Arms race
·         Religious indifference
·         Waste

·         Systematic Atheism is out to destroy all religion
·         People believe in Atheism because of pride
·         because they do not want to accept the consequences of their sins
·         because of the poor example of Christians
·         because of the lure of worldly attraction

Defeating Atheism:
·         Explain the doctrine
·         Live the good example
·         Spread love to one another

Etymology: Latin cultare- To Till

"Culture has Historical and Social Overtones, and thus the word 'culture' often carries with it sociological and ethnological connotations, in this sense, one can speak about a plurality of cultures."

"Culture's end is the perfection of man"

Marriage is for the good of society, the children and the spouse.
Some Challenges to Marriage are: 
·         Lack of Virtues
·         Sin
·         Abortion
·         Same-Sex Union
·         Intrinsic Evils
·         Marriage out of the Church

-Marriage is the union of one man and one woman.  It is one a natural level
-Matrimony is the union of one Christian man and one Christian woman.  It is on a supernatural level. 

 Random things found in Guadium Et Spes:

"Conscience is God's voice in our heart saying Do Good, avid evil"

"In their own way, literature and art very important to the life of the Church."    

"Having God created you in His image and Christ's redemption for us, make each and every human dignified."

"Sin is the privation of moral goodness and an abuse of Freedom"

"All have the right to private property, but in extreme necessity you may take what you need."

Peace is the Tranquility of Order-St. Augustine

"Testing and trials come from God, and they are meant to lead to Heaven.  Temptations come from the devil, and will lead to Hell when followed, but if prudently combated, will merit grace"

"In Focusing on Others, We come to know ourselves" -Blessed John Paul II


DefinitionThe action or omission which in itself, or by intervention, causes death in order to alleviate suffering."

Abortion:  Science can show us that human life begins at conception, but we do not know when exactly a soul is giving to it by God.  Nevertheless, we must ALWAYS treat the unborn as if it has an immortal human soul made in the image of God.

Demonology:  We must have a healthy fear of the evil one.  the Council of Lateran IV infallibly decreed that demons were created by God.   Christ exercised demons many times in the bible. 

Woman Priests:    Pope John Paul II said the discussion was OVER!   It is in Catholic Tradition that priests are only males, and that it is a sacrament that can only be given to males.  There are many more reasons.  

Incarnation:  Many believe that Jesus is  human person.   This is an error!   Jesus is a divine person with a divine and human nature.     


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