Hi Holiness, Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome
1st South American, 1st Jesuit, and 1st to Take Name Francis
VATICAN CITY, March 13, 2013 ( - The bells of St. Peter's started ringing and the crowds began cheering just moments after 7 p.m. local time, as white smoke from the Sistine Chapel indicated "Habemus Papam." We have a Pope!
Just over an hour later, the 267th Successor of St. Peter has been announced by the senior cardinal deacon: It is Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, who had been serving as the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He takes the name Francis.
The crowds in St. Peter's Square near immediately began chanting "Francesco" as they await his arrival on the central balcony for his first "urbi et orbi" blessing.
Pope Francis' 1st Words
VATICAN CITY, March 13, 2013 ( - Here is a translation of the brief greeting Pope Francis gave from the central balcony of St. Peter's Square following his election as the Successor of St. Peter.
Brothers and sisters, good evening!
You know that the duty of the Conclave was to give a bishop to Rome. It seems as though my brother cardinals went almost to the end of the world to get him. But here we are. I thank you for your welcome. The diocesan community of Rome has a bishop. Thank you!
Before all else, I would like to say a prayer for our Bishop Emeritus Benedict XVI. Let us all pray together for him, that the Lord may bless him and that Our Lady may watch over him …
[Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory be]
And now let us begin this journey, [together] as bishop and people. This journey of the Church of Rome, which is to preside over all the Churches in charity. It is a journey of fraternity, of love, of trust between us. Let us always pray for one another. Let us pray for the world, so that a great brotherhood may be created. I hope that this journey of the Church, which we begin today and in which my Cardinal Vicar who is present here will assist me, will be fruitful for the Evangelization of this beautiful city.
And now I would like to give you my blessing. But before I do, I would like to ask you a favor: before the bishop blesses the people, I ask you to pray to the Lord that He bless me…. the prayer of the people for a blessing upon their bishop. Let us take a moment of silence for you to offer your prayer for me.”
[Silence … the Holy Father bows]
[Cardinal N. says … “The Holy Father, Francesco …”]
“Now I will give you my blessing and to the whole world, to all men and women of good will.”
[Pope’s blessing]
Brothers and Sisters,
I leave you now. Thank you for your welcome. Pray for me. And we’ll see one another again soon. Tomorrow I want to go and pray to Our Lady, asking her to watch over Rome. Good night and have a good rest.
"I am very happy with the election of Pope Francis.
For us as Catholics, this is a beautiful spiritual moment, a time of joy and thanksgiving.
A time for prayer for the whole Church.
This is a great day, not only for Catholics, but for the whole world. Because the Pope is
the living sign of the universality of God’s Church. And the Pope is a sign of Jesus
Christ’s love for the world and for every person in every nation.
I have had the privilege of knowing our new Holy Father through our work together on
the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. I look forward to seeing him and getting
to know him better while I am in Rome next month.
It is a beautiful sign to have a new Pope who is the first Pope from the Americas, from
the New World. The election of Pope Francis is a call for all of us to strive for holiness
and to work to make our countries and our continents a “new world of faith.”
So today we thank God that he has given us a Pope who is a humble man who lives
with simplicity and a desire for holiness. Our new Pope is a defender of the poor, a
strong teacher, and a leader committed to renewal in the Church and the new
evangelization of our world.
I join my brothers and sisters in the Church in Los Angeles and throughout the
Americas and the whole world in offering my prayers for Pope Francis and pledging my
loyalty and love for him and my obedience to him.
I ask the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe for our new Pope. And I pray that we
all go to Jesus, closely united to the Pope, through Mary."
-Archbishop Jose Gomez
Part of the first reading of Isaiah the Prophet for today’s Mass states “Sing out, O heavens, and rejoice O earth, break forth into song, you mountains.” The reading goes on to say that “”God will never forget us.”
I believe that these words from the Liturgy for today can truly be our words. We rejoice today and sing to the Lord with the election of Pope Francis, knowing that his election is a sign of the Lord’s faithfulness to us in every time and place. The faithfulness of Christ to His Church when long ago he said to Simon son of John “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.” As we rejoice today those words echo as well.
We are thankful as well for all of the attention to the life of the Body of Christ in these past weeks from so many all over the world. This genuine outpouring of attention affirms indeed the relevancy of our Faith, and the call of our Faith to every Catholic to hear the words of the Lord and to live His life fully in His Body, the Church here on earth. To take that Faith and proclaim it once again to our contemporary culture with so many challenges, that God indeed is faithful to us, and has not forgotten us.
This day here in Orange, I have been in a day of reflection and prayer with all involved in the ministry of the future Christ Cathedral. As we reflected and prayed together in this new chapter in our lives, we were joined by video stream with the Church universal at St. Peter’s Basilica to welcome Pope Francis. It was almost an extension of being there! This is a historic time for all of us. The future Christ Cathedral campus will serve as a place to reflect the light of Christ to all here and far beyond, and to welcome all who come our way.
I send the greetings, prayers, best wishes to our new Holy Father on behalf of our local Church joyfully in union with the See of Peter, and Pope Francis as the successor of Peter. I encourage Catholics in Orange to join with me and to walk confidently in the light of this providential moment and to express through your daily life and example what living a Catholic life truly means. The Family of Faith of the Diocese of Orange embraces over 1.2 million Catholics of so many wonderful ethnic groups, reflecting the Universal Church.
Let us give thanks to God and celebrate the news of Pope Francis’ election. I will be celebrating a Mass of Thanksgiving this coming Saturday morning at 8:15 AM at Holy Family Cathedral. This historic time will soon lead us into Holy Week and Easter with joy, confidence and concern for the Church and all she serves. We are the living Body of Christ, a vibrant, relevant and loving people of Faith!
I, along with Bishop Brown and Bishop Dominic, send prayers and best wishes,"
-Bishop Kevin Vann
The bishops of the United States and the people of our 195 dioceses offer prayers for our new leader and promise allegiance to him.Intense prayer from all around the world surrounded the election of Pope Francis.
The bishops of the United States thank God for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the inspired choice of the College of Cardinals.With joy in our hearts, we declare “Ad Multos Annos!” (For many years!)
-Cardinal Timothy Dolan
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