Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
To Whom This Page is Dedicated
Faces seen on this blog:

Vicar of Christ on Earth
266th Successor of St. Peter
"Lowly, Yet Chosen"
Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on December 17th, 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina to Italian immigrants. He was ordained as a priest for the Society of Jesus in 1969, and in 1973 was elected Provincial of the Argentine Jesuits. He served many years as a confessor and spiritual director in Cordoba, Argentina. In 1992, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires by Bl. John Paul II, and later Archbishop of , and was elevated to the Cardinalate in 2001. From 2005-2011 he served as President of the Argentine Episcopal Conference. On March 13, 2013, he was elected Supreme Pontiff, succeeding Pope Benedict XVI. LONG LIVE POPE FRANCIS!!!!!

(Pope from 2005-2013)
"Co-Workers in the Truth"
Joseph Ratzinger was born in Bavaria, Germany on April 16, 1927. Because of his father's (who was a police officer) anti-Nazism and other reasons, the family was forced to a another city. In 1939, Joseph entered Minor Seminary, and in 1951 both Joseph and his brother Georg were ordained to the priesthood in the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul. For around 25 years, Joseph worked as a professor, and attended the Vatican II Council as a theological consultant to the Archbishop-Cardinal of Munich. In 1977, Fr. Joseph was elevated to the episcopacy as Archbishop of Munich-Freising by Pope Paul IV, and a month later was created a cardinal. His reign as archbishop was short lived though, for in 1981, Blessed Pope John Paul II named him Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. He served in that position for almost 25 years. On April 19th, 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Supreme Pontiff, and reigned for eight years as pope. As pope he was known for his traditional celebration of the Liturgy, his documents and efforts to increase Christian Unity, the Catholic Faith, and more reflective, reserved, yet amazing and loving personalty On February 13th 2013, Pope Benedict XVI, due to his advanced age, announced his resignation from the See of Rome, the first Pope to do so in nearly 600 years. This was an act of great love and humility for the Church. This was the act of a saint.
God Bless our POPE EMERITUS!!!

264th Successor of St. Peter
(Pope from 1978-2005)
"Totally Yours"
Blessed Pope John Paul II, Karol Josef Wojtyla (Voi-ti-wa) was born in Wadowice (Va-Do-Vi-Chay), Poland on May 18th, 1920. As a youth Karol loved soccer, the arts, and altar serving Holy Mass. When still a young boy, both his mother and older brother died, and young Karol had only his father until he too died when Karol was 18. When he was a young man, the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, and he was forced to work in a stone quarry. Instead of fighting like many of his friends, Karol chose to keep peace and promote the culture and faith of Poland alive secretly. Eventually he entered seminary, risking his very life, and on All Saints Day 1946, , he was ordained a priest, He taught at a college for many years, as a Communist regime now reigned throughout Poland. In 1958, Pope John XXIII named Father Karol Auxiliary bishop of Krakow. He attended all the sessions of Vatican II Council as a participant In 1964, Bishop Wojtyla was named Archbishop of Krakow by Pope Paul IV and was created cardinal in 1967. On October 16th, 1978, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla was elected the 264th successor of St. Peter. His pontificate is remembered for his promotion of human rights, the building of the Culture of Life, work with the youth, his worldwide travels, his outgoing personality, and the implemenor of Vatican II, his extensive canonization of saints, and as he himself said the climax of his pontificate, the promotion of the Divine Mercy Message. On April 2nd, 2005, on the Vigil of the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope John Paul II, died. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on May 1st, 2011. BLESSED POPE JOHN PAUL II, PRAY FOR

262nd Successor of St. Peter
(Pope from 1963-1978)
"In the Name of the Lord"

(Pope from 1958-1963)
"Obedience and Peace"
260th Successor of St. Peter
(Pope from 1939-1958)
"The Work of Justice Shall be Peace"

Archbishop of Galveston-Houston
"Hail O Cross Our Only Hope"
DiNardo was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Vincent Leonard on July 16, 1977. As Archbishop, he is the spiritual leader of approximately 1.3 million Catholics.On October 17, 2007, the Holy See announced that DiNardo would be elevated to the College of Cardinals by Benedict XVI. He was created in the consistory of November 24, 2007 at St. Peter's Basilica. In March 2009, he described the choice of President Barack Obama to be the commencement speaker for the University of Notre Dame's graduation ceremony as "very disappointing," given Obama's support for legal abortion. He is current Vice President of the USCCB.

Prefect of the Apostolic Household
Secretary to both Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus-Benedict XVI
"Give Testimony to the Truth"

Archbishop of Portland in Oregon
"Contemplate the Will of Christ"

Archbishop of Baltimore
"Charity in Truth"

"In Thy Word"

Archbishop of Denver
"Do Whatever He tells you."

Archbishop of Los Angeles
''Let Us Go Forward With Confidence to the Throne of Grace."
Archbishop Jose Gomez was born in Monterrey Mexico on December 26th, 1951. He was ordained a priest in the summer of 1978 for Opus Dei. In 2001 Fr. Gomez was elevated to Auxiliary Bishop of Denver, and in 2005, Archbishop of San Antonio. In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI named him Archbishop of LA. Archbishop Gomez has written three books, Men of Brave Heart, promoting the priesthood, Immigration and the NEXT AMERICA, on Catholic Moral Teaching and hope for American's future, as well as A Will to Live: Clear Answers on End of Life Issues, a Catholic moral teaching on death. He has written four pastoral letters as an archbishop and is a speaker on true Catholic voting, religious freedom, Life issues, as well as advocate for promotion of Religious Vocations, and the New Evangelization. He served as the Chair of the USCCB committee on Immigration from 2010-2013. He has a great love for the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Blessed Sacrament, and urges all to have the same.

"As Christ Loved the Church"

Bishop of Orange in California
"In Faith and Love in Christ Jesus"
Kevin William Vann was born on May 10th, 1951 in Springfield Illinois and as a boy and youth stayed there until he entered the seminary in 1977. He was ordained to the priesthood in May 1981. He served then as a parish priest and Vicar for clergy until 2004. In 2005, Pope Benedict XVI named him bishop of Fort Worth, Texas, and was consecrated bishop by Archbishop Jose Gomez as well as co-consecrator, then-Archbishop Raymond Burke. He served as bishop of Forth Worth, until 2012 when Pope Benedict called him to be the fourth bishop of Orange, and he was installed on December 10th 2012, by Archbishop Jose Gomez.
Associate Pastor at St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church
Fr. Broom was ordained in 1986 by His Holiness, Blessed John Paul II in St. Peter's Basilica for the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, a congregation focused on teaching and living the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, love of Mary, explaining sound church teaching, and promoting devotion to the Eucharist and frequent Confession. Fr. Broom has been giving the spiritual exercises for over 20 years, and thousands of people have gone through the program. He is a retreat master, confessor, in addition to Associate Pastor. He is busy in both English and Spanish communities.
Founder of Priests for Life

Founder of Ignatius Press
Papal Master of Liturgical Ceremonies
"It is my duty to point out first of all that the celebrations presided over by the Pope are to be taken as a reference point for the whole Church. The Pope is the Supreme Pontiff, the great officiator of the Church, the person who, even through his celebrations, gives a highly authoritative liturgical teaching which everybody must refer to. Bearing this in mind, it is easier to understand what style the Master of Ceremonies must adopt in his collaboration with the Holy Father. His task is to make the liturgy an authentic expression of the Pope’s liturgical guidelines. From this point of view the real Master of Ceremonies is the one who becomes a humble and faithful servant of the Church’s liturgy. It is in these terms that I defined my work at the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff."
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